
Unheated ruby values and prices

There are three categories of rubies: unheated, heated, and treated.

Each has a very different price and value, but please be aware that some sellers will sell at a higher price without explaining.

Unheated rubies are literally rubies that have been cut and polished in their natural gemstones without being heated, but there is an important caveat.
However, there is an important caveat: not all rubies are valuable if they are unheated.

If the ruby has high transparency, is red or pinkish-red in color, and has few inclusions, it is a ruby to buy if it is truly valuable and the price is right.

Unheated rubies with problems are rubies that are too poor in quality, have many scratches and inclusions, and break when heated, or rubies with little or no transparency are sold as unheated rubies without being heated.
Unheated rubies are sold at overseas jewelry stores and airports at high prices to unknowledgeable tourists, but they have no value. In Japan, unheated rubies of 5ct-50ct are sold to the general public for several million or tens of millions of yen, when they are really worth several tens of thousands.

Among unheated rubies, those from Myanmar are said to be the most valuable.
When you think of rubies from Myanmar, you probably imagine rubies called "vision blood," but in fact, most rubies from Myanmar are strongly pink, and bright red rubies are rare.
Pigeon blood unheated rubies from Myanmar are the dream of ruby fans, but large rubies are extremely rare and expensive when they are clear.
Regular colors that are not pigeon blood are a fraction of the price.

Pigeon blood rubies from Myanmar, Thailand, Africa, and other countries with strong sunlight look really beautiful in bright red, but under Japanese sunlight or indoor light, they look a little more discounted.
Therefore, if you are buying rubies for their asset value, unheated pigeon blood rubies from Myanmar are the best, but for everyday use, they do not have to be pigeon blood rubies.

 The next most beautiful ones are from Mozambique.
There are rubies from Mozambique that can be identified as pigeon blood, and they are a fraction of the price of rubies from Myanmar, but they are also beautiful.
Thai rubies are also of high quality and beautiful, but most are a little too dark red.
Madagascar rubies are slightly purplish and inexpensive, but some vendors sell them for dozens of times the cost.

Rubies from Sri Lanka and Vietnam are a little pinkish and lighter in color.
It is better not to buy them now.
Indian rubies are reddish-black, and you should not buy them.

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