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If you wish to contact us by e-mail, please fill in the following format and confirm the contents before sending.Send".button to send your inquiry.
Free e-mail addresses such as,, etc. are also accepted.
However, some domain email addresses such as cannot be accepted.
We will respond as soon as our staff confirms this.

Please note that it may take some time depending on the content of your inquiry.

Please note that we may not be able to respond to emails with suggestions or introductions.

※※※Reserving a VisitPlease make an appointment at least 2 days in advance. Also, please note our business hours (weekdays 10:00~17:00, closed on Sundays and holidays).

LINEPlease feel free to contact us onReservationYou can now make a reservation for your visit at Reservations can be made byClick herePlease click here to make a reservation! (If you would like to come on the day before or on the day of your visit, please call us at 03-6231-6221 to confirm.

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