
why? ! Did I start a jewelry work? The trigger of starting work and a miraculous event! ! [Episode 1]

Episode 1: Fate of India and 10,000 yen jewelry

The reason I stepped into the jewelry world was my 30 -year -old trip to India.

Indian who hits the bus window.
When I opened the window, a colorful natural stone necklace full of hands jumped into my eyes.

"If you buy everything, it's 30,000 yen!"

It was a shocking word for me, who didn't know the name or value of the jewelry. However, I started negotiating with a light feeling to make some cheap souvenirs.
The people around me paid attention, "Don't get involved in such a thing!"

"If so, it's 20,000 yen, so buy it!"

By the time the bus departed, I cost about 20 necklaces for 10,000 yen.
Because it was 500 yen per bottle, I was wondering if I could give it to friends and acquaintances.

Then, I began to see accessories frequently at open -air souvenir shops, and during my stay, I was gradually becoming more and more attractive.
If you think about it now, the quality of that necklace was quite expensive, even if it was 10,000 yen, and it was a price you never bought.

At that time, I think I was more attracted to the strengths and power of jewelry than the price.

Finding jewelry to Nepal, and a real development!

After returning from India, this may be a business! I thought.
If you go to Nepal, the countryside more than India, you can buy it cheaper and make more profits.
There was no information because there was no Internet.
I went to Nepal to buy a jewelry with a 300,000 yen that had to be at that time.

However, I was surprised when I arrived at Nepal.
There are no jewelry towns and no jewelry is sold!
I was disappointed when I came.

I couldn't help but buy a large amount of sweaters, mufflers and hats sold in Nepal for 300,000 yen.
It was very bulky, so I couldn't bring it in the cabin, so I decided to send it by another flight.
At that time, there was a column to fill in the price of the luggage,
"I don't know how much these are ..."
If I wrote 3 million yen, I thought it might be handled carefully.

I couldn't achieve anything my purpose and returned to Japan with disappointment.

However, after a week, one month, or February, the luggage does not reach.
I thought it was strange, but I didn't have any experience sending my luggage from a foreign country, so I thought it would take time.

One day after three months, two staff members of Singapore Airlines came.
What a luggage!

"I pay 3 million yen in the warranty, so I'm sorry but I want you to forgive me."

Yeah! I was surprised at the development.
But I was calm and said,

"I struggled, I went to Nepal over my expenses and time to pay 3 million yen, and I was going to sell it in Japan to cost 5 million yen and 6 million yen, but I paid 3 million yen. If you end it with this, you won't be able to pass.

Then, the Singapore Airlines staff returned once, saying that he would consult with his boss again.

After that, I brought two tickets to India for 3 million yen this time, and apologized, "This is my best."
I thought I was lucky and received "I understand".

At this time, I did not think that the two tickets to India and the original 3 million yen would change my life.

Following [Episode 2] ...

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