
why? ! Did I start a jewelry work? The trigger of starting work and a miraculous event! ! [Episode 3]

Episode 3:Encounter with jewelry deals in Jaipur

After looking around the jewelry in Delhi, I was taken to a jaipur called Pink City, the capital of Indian jewelry.

The size and product lineup of the store, which has been awarded by the Indian government for more than 20 years, was incomparable to what I saw in Delhi.
Obviously, there was something bigger and better here than what I saw in Delhi.

Maniji, the president who became president from that year, was dignified and passionate about jewelry, but the price negotiations were strict and almost did not respond to discounts.
I continued to watch jewelry from morning to night for three days, but I didn't buy anything.

The fourth day of fate

And on the fourth day, if I couldn't buy it here, I wanted to give up.
On the fourth day I gave up, the situation changed suddenly.
The attitude and response of the store staff change, so that the price is lower.
And I was able to buy the best at the time using all the 3 million yen brought.

Why did this happen? ? ?

At that time I couldn't understand at all.
However, the secret will be revealed later.

Astrology's prophecy

In fact, this Jaipur's family was a millionaire, which is said to be a trillion yen of assets, and was called the King of Jaipur.
They were served by astrologers who were so famous that Bill Gates and Richard Branson visited.

Manoji visited astrology with his family because he talked to his parents a clear dream he had seen at the age of 15.
The content of the dream was that a person called "Kamoto" came from Japan, became a lifelong partner and a friend of a lifetime, and the company and family developed by dating that person.

As a result of the calculation, the astrologer said, "There is no doubt. In the year Manji became president, a person from Japan came from Japan.
Don't let go of this person.
He always asserts that dating with this person will open a good fate. "

I didn't notice at first because I was Kawamoto, but because the pronunciation of Kamoto and Kawamoto was almost the same, my father said, "I'm sure this is this!"
Everyone was convinced that the prediction of the astrologer was correct because I appeared in that year when Manoji became president.
After that, I became a best friend with Manji for more than 30 years and became a whole family.

Jewelry sales hardships

I took 3 million yen worth of jewelry to Japan, but there was no jewel experience, connection or customer.
I was pleased that I could buy good things cheaply, but I wasn't thinking about how to sell this.
At that time, there was no Internet sales, so I was at a loss as to what to do.

I started an open -air company in front of Alta in Shinjuku and in Harajuku.
They sell products side by side, but they are immediately driven away by Yaza and Ka Satsutsu.

When they left, they started again, and it was just a day of Itachi pretend.

At that time, we sold inexpensive jewelry of about 5,000 yen from 500 yen, but now it has been dealing with pink diamonds of up to 50 billion yen.
It is 100 million times at that time.
Later, I never dreamed that this would happen.

At that time, I was desperate to make a daily sales.

This hardship continued for a while, but a turning point will eventually come.

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